Wolf eel bites coke can
Wolf eel bites coke can

wolf eel bites coke can

Was on wrestling team with Keith Olsen, Joe Valentino mTin Granowitz. Oh yeah I forgot-I spent my carmen road summer years at the summer program at carmen Road. He was in my 6th gr class and a friend at MHS. Who could forget the triple letter step at MHS Address Laurie's. Funny story on a plane a few yrs ago I sat next to his nephew-only discovered when we noted he had a relative in Mass. Sherry bloom, Donna Donofrio, Brian Kwiatkowski, (parents Dottie and Bernard), Howie Silverman who I spoke with after 40 years this year-he worked for treasury dept Eleanor Kusterer, Carol Swanson, Barry Moran, Kevin Donnelly (whose mom was my math teacher at McKenna) Larry Zimmerman. Members of my fourth and fifth grade were ( I apologize if I left someone out) The Gottlich twins, Debbie Nathanson who became the eco of Seabourne cruises but passed in Nov 96. She would send us down there under the guise of getting paper towels. She used to take breaks IN THE custodial room where teachers would have a break and a smoke. Fourth and fifth was Mrs Goggin, who had us put on shows for every holiday. The walk seemed so long them Teaches-Kindergarden-Ms Werner, First gr Mrs Parks, Third was Mrs Israel. My parents moved to Mass Pk east lake ave in 1954.

wolf eel bites coke can

I have been following this site on and for for a few years and have several entries. If you went home early or complained you were bored you got chores to do!

wolf eel bites coke can

The best memories are just playing outside until the street lights came on. Book mobiles and a bus to the mall are other recollections.


We also went to the drive in movie in the back of our station wagon. We went to a small zoo that was near a department store (2guys?) where I got my first Barbie. We ate at Musicaro's and shopped at Bohack's supermarket where my dachshund got to ride in the cart but I had to walk. I have memories of the 5 and 10 cent store in town where I would get my school bag and supplies each year. Parents always told us the "bad kids" hung out there. We were not allowed to cross Roosevelt to go down to Lakeshore Drive because of the woods and stream beyond. My house was between 2nd Avenue and Roosevelt. Was supposed to go onto McKenna Junior High but we moved to NJ before that could happen. I walked to Hawthorn School until 6th grade. My parents bought a brand new home on Pine Street in Massapequa Park around 1955. So if anyone is from class of 1975 and you are still living either on your old street or still in Massapequa some where.Good for you. I would of never guess that 20 years or so I was gonna leave, but I have made a new home. So that is something to talk about around the water cooler here where I live. Even Massapequa has a lot of famous men and women, like Steve Guttenberg and Jerry Seinfeld. And I am proud of it because where I live now, everyone knows I am from up north. I catch up with old friends and family, and one thing is for sure: my Long Island accent will always stay with me. I miss the food, All American hamburgers, the local pizza and Chinese restaurants, the ice cream shop on Broadway near the train tracks. I will always be proud of Massapequa and miss it very much (but don't miss the snow). I try to visit when I can and catch up with some old friends and family. It's been over 20 years or so, but I will never forget Massapequa. Berner in Massapequa in 1975!!! Moved away from Long Island to another state and married. The eel bit straight through the can, and liquid exploded everywhere.I graduated from Alfred G.

wolf eel bites coke can

This angle the camera was really showed off how terrifying the animal is with super sharp teeth and huge eyes. The fishermen pulled the wolf eel out of a bucket of water and put an unopened can of coke in front of it. Older ones are grey or a dark olive color. This particular wolf eel was younger, as it was orange with dark spots. These fishermen caught a Wolf Eel, which can grow up to 7 ft 10 inches in length and weigh up to 41 pounds, and showed everyone just how dangerous they can be. A YouTube channel by the name of Bat Crazy Fisherman is warning the public: do not mess with Wolf Eel, even if the head is detached from the body.

Wolf eel bites coke can