Just try to locate your saved game, make a backup copy then uninstall The Sims Medieval and then install it back and then copy your saved game on the right folder where you originally copied it. Most cheats can be disabled by reentering the code, but some have additional deactivation codes that must be entered before they're deactivated.
It is usually located in The SimsUserData directory, but I’m not sure if The Sims Medieval also uses these sets of directories because this is from The Sims 1. Full List of Cheat Codes for The Sims Medieval Type one of the codes listed below into the cheat console, then press the Enter (or Return) key to activate the cheat. If you still can not make a save, locate first your saved game in the installation folder and then make a backup copy. Every time you make a normal save using the Save option, the game automatically creates a backup of your previous saved game. more ideas about sims 2, sims, medieval D Kingdom Come Deliverance Knights no.
You may also try traveling overseas and then do your saving there. it was Knights Code of Chivalry Unhappy with the theatrical version of. This will decrease your chance of getting a corrupted file. If this does not fix the problem, try doing a Save As instead of selecting the normal Save option. Try editing the town and then move some to other places or return them to their proper places if you moved them from their original location. The error that you are getting is maybe caused by overcrowding in a lot. Then, when your sim arrives at whoever they need to talk to, slow the game back down to normal speed while you are talking to them.Error Code 19 on Saving The Sims Medieval If it’s far away, put the game to double speed after you tap it. when you are looking around for the next exclamation mark, pause the game until you find it. Use the time speed control to maximize your efficiency, especially when you are on quests to get simoles. You can either grab a quick snack or prepare a dish, but preparing a dish, which also takes longer, keeps your sim satisfied for a longer period of time. You can sit or you can sleep, but sleeping, which takes longer, raises your energy in its entirety.

When you’re at your house, there are short term and long term versions of every action that you can do to increase your sim’s energy and feed them. If a sim reacts poorly to one action, avoid that action and concentrate on the ones that they react well to. The other might want you to joke and fool around. For example, one Sim might want to talk about subjects such as politics and science. The friendlier, the better your chances.ĭifferent Sims will require a different strategy to get as friendly with them as possible. To increase your chances of them saying yes, keep getting friendly with them, enough so that the “Be Romantic” social option actually opens up. The relevant code is in AiActor.cpp, which has all of the scoring functions. You can also try pausing the game right before you save and. On The Sims Medieval, a Sim would only attempt to make a decision when their.
The only reason imaginable at this time is that something in Windows 10 (which I am guessing you are playing on) interferes with the way the game saves files. To get someone to join your guild, of course you have to get friendly with them first before the option even becomes available. YeOldSimmer, Im afraid the only solution to your problem is to keep saving under different file names. One of the most fun parts of the game is trying to get as many people into your guild as possible. Read on for some tips and tricks for The Sims Medieval!

You can chat with, battle, antagonize, make love with, and add other Sims to your guild. It runs on The Sims 3 engine, and the goals are much similar to those in the other Sims games (as is the open endedness, but this one exists in a a medieval world, complete with the music to boot.

The Sims Medieval is a fun spin on an old concept.